This is not an offer for credit and should be used for estimation purposes only based on the information you provided. You should not base your decision on this estimate alone. Title, registration, tax and other fees, and personal circumstances such as employment status and personal credit history, were not considered in the calculations.
Front - 23 x 7 - 10
Rear - 22 x 10 - 10
Overall - 73 in.
Carton size - 65 in.
Overall - 44 in.
Carton size - 31 in.
Overall - 42 in.
Carton size - 44 in.
Unassembled crated - 479 lb.
Assembled without fuel - 386 lb.
Chain drive
Engine gear - D-N-R CVT belt drive
Shift gear - Hand
Green / White
Orange / White
Speed limiter
Engine kill switch
Due to continued challenges across supplier networks as well as increasing logistics costs, product pricing, freight charges, specifications, and features are subject to change at any time without prior notice. Please confirm all information with your local dealership.
Images, where available, are presented as reasonable facsimiles of the offered unit and/or manufacturer stock images. Non-standard options or features may be represented. No guarantee of availability or inclusion of displayed options should be inferred; contact the dealer for more details.
*Price or MSRP may not include any added accessories. Please see dealer for details and final costs including accessories.