This is not an offer for credit and should be used for estimation purposes only based on the information you provided. You should not base your decision on this estimate alone. Title, registration, tax and other fees, and personal circumstances such as employment status and personal credit history, were not considered in the calculations.
Front - Dual Disc, 2 piston caliper
Rear - Dual Disc, 1 piston caliper
Park Type - Independent, Mechanical Disc
Engine Braking
Front - 26 x 9.00-12, radial
Rear - 26 x 11.00-12, radial
Max. - 11.9 in.
Std. - 11.8 in.
Double wishbone
Wheel travel - 11 in.
Wheel travel - 10.1 in.
Rear Bumper
All MULE™ PRO Series side x side's Rollover Protective Structure (ROPS) meets the performance requirements of ISO 3471.
*Price or MSRP may not include any added accessories. Please see dealer for details and final costs including accessories.